We took part in the recent launch of the 'Hidden Somerset - Food Poverty' report, produced by Somerset Community Foundation.
The report presents worrying statistics around increasing food poverty in our county. The impacts of the pandemic, the rising cost of food, transport and fuel, alongside the impact on mental health are all contributing to an increased need for support accessing food.
One of our trustees Kim Robinson contributed to the debate, suggesting we will need to shift the focus of our cooking skills training to match how food is provided to those most in need e.g via food banks, fridges and pantries.
Here are links to the other panelists from groups aiming to address these issues locally:
Bridgwater and surrounding communities: Food and Support Alliance (Heather Whittle) - an alliance set up last October to better coordinate activity, reduce duplication and improve more timely access to help for people.
Diversity Voice (Tanya Lawler) - a local charity that supports migrants and other minority cultural communities.
The Quantock Foodbank (Marlene Mason) - serving the coastal and rural area of West Somerset.