A summary of our conference feedback can be found here and below:
Over 70 participants joined us on the day; in feedback you said:
- It was an interesting and very inspiring event
- Meeting others and making local connections was really valuable
- It was great to see the diversity of community groups that work across Somerset
Your comments:
'The day was a valuable supportive space for me to network with others, sharing and generating ideas, knowledge and skills. 'The whole is greater than the sum of its parts' - so much positive energy and enthusiasm in the room’
‘Really enjoyed the initial presentation. I didn’t find it overly negative... it was a fair presentation of a very real issue’
Met some great people and came away feeling better informed of the challenges that we face and the various ways that people in Somerset are meeting this challenge. Very inspiring'
'Lovely to meet people with shared aims and interests and I enjoyed learning about fermented foods’
‘I liked the co-operative approach to meal prep and clearing up’
Suggestions & improvements for next time?
- Film the workshops for others to access
- We (the participants!) need to promote the event through our own networks to maximise the number of groups that could benefit
- Clearer directions to the venue?
- Ensure that the sound system works properly so that everyone can hear the sessions
N.B.Thank you to those who told us they were unable to make it, we still had a significant number of attendees who booked and didn’t show up.