Fisher’s Hill Community Garden

Fisher's Hill community garden logo

Location: Bere Lane Recreation Ground, Glastonbury.

What we do: Fisher’s Hill Community Garden is an open green space where local people get together and love the Land - you don’t have to be a gardener or be fit or strong, just willing. Our garden aims are:

  • To increase and demonstrate healthy biodiversity and pollination
  • To increase and demonstrate food security
  • To build and strengthen community ties and encourage connection with the land
  • To improve and encourage better mental and physical health through engagement with the project
  • To create happiness for plants, animals, insects and people

When we meet: We meet on Fridays, 11am in Summer / hot weather, 11.30am the rest of the year, until about 2-2.30pm.

Who can join? Anyone of any age can join in. Some folk dip in and out during the session. We have a very wide demographic with a healthy mix of older folk, parents with home-educated children, retired professionals, vulnerable adults, residents and itinerants. We don’t want obligation, we want folk to come when they want to.

Is there wheelchair access? There are steps up from Butleigh Road, however there is level access through gates from Bere Lane, the ground is flat but uneven in places.

Contact details: email


Bere Lane Recreation Ground
Bere Lane