It's time to book your place at our Food Conversations event - on Saturday the 14th of September at the Victoria Park Community Centre, Bridgwater, starting at 10am.
Join us for lively Food Conversations, meet local food projects, join in with cooking & growing activities & enjoy a seasonal shared lunch! We think the Victoria Park Community Centre (VPCC) is the perfect place to meet:
- Visit the Diversity Voice Community Garden - sowing & growing activities, plus meet Social Circles who also support the project
- Find out more about the VPCC Pantry, Seed of Hope have built a herb planter outside and will also be there on the day
- Chop & chat with Lesley Gates as we cook up interesting food & ideas around ways to reduce food waste, plus ferments session with Julia Bedford from Herbal Brue
- Seed swapping, plus seed sowing & saving advice with Plotgate Community Farm
More details & book your place here and please do invite your colleagues and contacts.