We have a long history of managing and facilitating impactful projects. Some examples:
Somerset Master Gardeners
We partnered with Garden Organic to support volunteers in Somerset to become Master Gardeners to help get their communities growing their own food.
You can read our report detailing the achievements of the scheme.
Somerset Land and Food
We matched available land with local community groups interested in growing food, through conferences and events and mapping demand and availability. We developed people’s skills to enable access to affordable, locally grown and healthy food, through our growing training and support for projects where people can learn these skills.
We achieved our ambitious target of converting 100 hectares of land around 10 market towns into community food production by the end of 2012 - see our report. We created the Access to Land Handbook which is hosted on our Incredible Edible Somerset site.
Making Local Food Work
We contributed to the research and production of the Food Co-ops Toolkit.
The toolkit will guide you through the process of setting up a community food co-op.